Ever since we opened our doors in 2012, Warner Bros. has continued to reinvest in our Studio and Tour facilities, creating two world-class businesses at the heart of our local community. We’re now looking to the future and have an exciting opportunity to further invest in the Studio. In doing so, we’ll not only support the growing film and TV industry with world-class facilities and services, but also continue to improve our sustainability and bring more social and economic benefits to our local area.

Our Vision For The Studio

The UK film and TV production industry is booming, with many productions reaching an ever-increasing global audience and achieving huge critical and commercial success. This is not only creating thousands of jobs in our industry, but also contributing a huge amount to the wider UK economy. Our vision is to grow the Studio to accommodate the increasing demand for our facilities and to bring more skilled jobs and opportunities to the local area, whilst taking into account the interests of those living nearby.

Our Plans

Aware of the benefits that we bring to the local area and the wider economy, we are committed to reinvesting in our Studios. We’ll soon be submitting plans for new sound stages, workshops and offices, external film production areas and improved green spaces for public access. Mindful of all our impacts, we will also be making improvements to local infrastructure including roads and drainage plus additional parking to be able to accommodate traffic.

Towards a Sustainable Future

We’re continuously reinvesting in the Studio, and as we grow, we always keep the environment and local community wellbeing in mind. We’re actively improving our green spaces in and around the Studio, not only to improve ecology and biodiversity, but also to create spaces that the whole community can enjoy.

We’re busy with a whole range of measures to reduce our environmental impact, from cutting carbon emissions, to increasing our sustainable electrical energy solutions, and implementing green ‘ultra-low emission’ transport measures for visitors. We’re also providing more electric vehicle charging points, constantly reviewing our waste and recycling practices, and redesigning our retail packaging to move away from plastics. Working closely with local businesses, charity partners and organisations, we’re growing together into a positive future.

Frequently Asked Questions

Discover the answers to some questions you might have about our vision and expansion plans.

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