On the western side of the Island Site and the eastern boundary of the Studios alongside Gadeside, we‘ll plant new trees, shrubs, perennials and ornamental shrubs and grasses, including species such as geraniums, verbena and lavender.
Around the northern and eastern boundaries of the Island Site, an earth mound will be created and planted with broadleaf woodland. From day one this will help to screen views of parked vehicles, and over time the woodland will grow to screen the external parking area and create ecological interest within the site. The car park will also feature ornamental planting and tall columnar trees, to break up the parking area and further screen views of the building from the east. The parking building has also been designed with strong horizontal elements that will significantly minimise headlight glare and reduce noise.
To reduce the visual impact of activities taking place in the new Backlot area, we are proposing a number of measures. These include creating a 3m high earth mound behind the existing fence, designed so that the existing hedgerow and tree planting are not affected. We’ll also be planting new native woodland along the outer edge and on the top of the earth mound, helping to screen activities within the backlot area.